Bob Carswell

/Bob Carswell

About Bob Carswell

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So far has created 46 blog entries.

International Celtic Congress – 2019 – Cohaglym Celtiagh Eddyr-Ashoonagh

The theme chosen by the Cornish Branch of the Celtic Congress for this year’s International Celtic Congress in Newquay was Recording our past to help inform our future. About 50 delegates attended from all six Celtic countries, and from elsewhere, and heard six speakers who explored the topic in a variety of ways.

On behalf of […]

Manx Constitutional Reform – Steve Wright

Steve Wright researched the Island’s political changes for his degree in History in 2017. For his presentation on Saturday 5th April he started with the great change in 1765, when the British Crown bought the regalities of the Lords of Man. With the British monarch as Lord of Man, a governor was appointed as the […]

The Manx Civil War – ‘If it wasn’t for the women . . .’

Peter Cannell held his audience fascinated, amused and very much engaged when he gave a presentation on Saturday 2nd March about the position of women in Manx society. The Manx Civil War of the title was that between the Northsiders and Southsiders, fought in the vicinity of Peel in 1098. Famously at that battle, the […]

Aundyr Sophia Morrison – Sophia Morrison Award

This year sees the 160th anniversary of the birth of Sophia Morrison in Peel on 24th May 1859.

To mark that anniversary, the Manx Branch of the Celtic Congress is holding a Manx Gaelic original short-story competition for Aundyr Sophia Morrison, the Sophia Morrison Award.

The competition is for an original short-story in Manx Gaelic on any […]

Yn Chruinnaght@40

Unfortunately, David Downie MBE was unable to come and talk about the hyperbaric chamber owing to illness. We all wish him a return to good health.

In David Downie’s unfortunate absence, Bob Carswell gave an illustrated presentation about how mutual support amongst the Celtic countries continued to be a key component of Yn Chruinnaght, the annual […]

Baase Brian Mac Stoyll – Death of Brian Stowell

S’treih lhien gra dy dooar nyn garrey Brian Stowell baase Jeheiney 18oo Jerrey Gheuree 2019. V’eh gobbraghey dy creoi son y Ghaelg as son cultoor Vannin, as er-lheh trooid y Chohaglym Celtiagh, as eshyn ny screeudeyr da’n Vanglane Manninagh rish kuse dy vleeantyn.

V’eh mie er enn da oltenyn y Chohaglym Celtiagh, as nee eh goll […]

Bard Vannin – Annie Kissack – Manx Bard

Annie Kissack was elected as the fifth Manx Bard in August 2018.

On Saturday 12th January, she treated the audience to a wide selection of her work – some in a serious vein, some decidedly light-hearted, but all imbued with her love of the Island and very often drawing on reminiscences of her childhood.

Along with her […]

Reapers, Clogs and Pulpits – Mike Clague

Mike Clague is an engaging and erudite speaker and his talk about the Kelly dynasty of craftsmen and engineers was packed full of interesting details. The whole talk was beautifully illustrated with special effects and even music.

Starting with a photograph of Patrick Kelly, Mike remarked on his long career as a schoolmaster in Kirk Michael, […]

International Celtic Congress 2018

After the formal business of the Annual General Meeting on Saturday 3rd November, Sandra Caley gave an illustrated talk about the 2018 International Celtic Congress which was held 16th-21st July in Kemper, Breizh (Quimper, Brittany). The theme this year was The Development of Celtic Languages through Social Media. The Manx presentation had been given by Phil […]

Cosheeaght mygeayrt Balley Beg – A Walk round Ballabeg

Noel Cringle OBE – Patron of the Manx Branch of the Celtic Congress – was an energetic, humorous and informative guide on Saturday 5th May after more than a dozen people met at The Friary in Ballabeg. The rough beginnings of the Friary Church were improved upon during the time of Sir William de Montacute, […]

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